Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide
Tutorials and Tips

Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide: This Is How You Choose!

Need some serious help in choosing between these two products? Then here’s the ultimate guide for you! Just like you, I also spent hours reading through comments on “Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide” related forums to figure out the perfect solution to my root rot problem. 

Let me guess. I bet you ended up even more confused than how you were initially. Am I right? 

No worries because this article has rounded up all the things you need to know about these two products. In case you’re wondering, I have tried both of them in my hydroponics system. So if you’re curious to know which is better in solving root problems, I suggest you read on. Or better yet, you can also check my video below to see how each product works in action. 

Hydroponic root rot

If you notice your plants’ leaves turning yellow while the roots are turning dark and mushy, then I have bad news for you. You’ve got yourself a root rot problem. Oh, and before I forget to mention, they might smell a bit funny, too!

Here’s the thing, root rot is probably the worst nightmare a grower could have. Even the most experienced growers face this problem from time to time. Though it’s relatively common, growers still find it challenging to pinpoint what the cause of the problem is. 

Source/s of Root Rot

Based on experience, I can say that I only get this problem due to two reasons. The primary reason is too much water and not enough air. Yes, you read that right! It may sound funny when hydroponics is all about growing in water. 

But when you think about it, prolonged overwatering can cause some of the roots to die due to lack of oxygen. Unfortunately, you might find that this is a common predicament for those into The Kratky Method and Deep Water Culture system. How this goes is that when the roots die, they start to rot and infect other living root systems. 

Another common reason is mold and pathogen infestation, such as Pythium and Phytophthora water molds. The process here is quite simple. The mold or pathogen attacks the roots and causes them to rot.

Now here’s the scary part: they love a warm environment. Hence, I suggest you invest in a hydroponic thermometer. As you know, some nutrient solutions increase the temperature of the water. So, keep that in mind! 

Treating Root Rot: Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide

It is where the battle of Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide comes in. But before I share with you how each solution fixes root rot, I require you to examine your plant’s roots. 

I hate to break it to you, but the parts which are brown and mushy have no more chance of surviving. If you notice these parts, the first thing you need to do is to run the whole root on water. Then, you grab your shears ASAP and trim the rotten parts away. Next, go ahead and start treating the remaining living root systems.

How does Hydroguard treat a root rot?

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide -1

I bet a lot of growers get mistaken about this. Hydroguard is not a fungicide solution that kills off the remaining fungus in your roots. It serves as a root inoculant.

Simply put, it adds beneficial bacteria to your water to prevent and treat root-related plant ailments. What it does is that it colonizes the water so that other pathogens or fungus don’t stand a chance!

Hydroguard features the bacteria called Bacillus amyloliquefaciens that is said to be ideal for hydroponic systems. To prepare, you add approximately 2ml of this product to a gallon of water. You may also use it alone or with your favorite nutrient solution.

Based on the photo, there are no signs of root after two weeks of Hydroguard use. It looks so white and healthy! I don’t know about you, but that says a lot. 

Botanicare HGC704078 Hydroguard Bacillus Root Inoculant, 1-Quart, Natural

How does Hydrogen Peroxide treat a root rot?

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide -2

Here’s the truth: it’s available everywhere! I bet you already have it in your medicine cabinet.

That is one of the main reasons why some growers turn to hydrogen peroxide when treating plant-related ailments. Aside from it being widely-available, hydrogen peroxide improves healthy root growth because of the extra oxygen molecule it has! Plus, some growers swear that it treats and prevents fungal infection and pests on your plants.

In case you’re wondering, you only need to add about 2-3 teaspoons of 35% hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of the water reservoir to treat root rots. Other than that, you’re good to go!

As you can see in the photo, there is no sign of root rot. However, my root’s growth has stunted. It is something you need to think about when using hydrogen peroxide.

HydroProx 35 – Pure 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Which between Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide works better against a root rot?

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide

No questions asked. Hydroguard wins this round for me. I recommend Hydroguard because I’ve used it to treat root rot in hydroponics. Not to mention, I’ve also seen it work for hydroponic cannabis growers!

Aside from that, it’s so inexpensive! You only need a few milliliters of the solution to treat root rot. You can even use it alongside other nutrient solutions. But, you might be wondering why I chose the Hydroguard over the more inexpensive hydrogen peroxide.

The truth is, it is easy to overdo things with hydrogen peroxide. As you know, it’s pretty harsh! If given in a wrong ratio, this might burn the roots hence killing young plants.

As you can see in the photo above, the plant I treated with hydrogen peroxide wilted and turned yellow. On the other hand, the one I treated with Hydroguard looks so healthy! But if you insist on trying the hydrogen peroxide, I suggest you use it sparingly and not as often as you would with nutrient solutions and Hydroguard.

Round 2: Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide on Biofilm

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide - biofilm

If you’re into hydroponics, I’m pretty sure you’ve already seen a biofilm. It’s that nasty, slimy greenish-brown film that’s coating your water and roots.

In hydroponics, we call that algae biofilm. But what if I tell you that not all biofilms are visible? I am not trying to scare you, but some biofilms are less visible but are more dangerous.

In case you’re wondering, biofilms are a threat to your plants because they carry harmful microorganisms and pathogens. Not to mention, because of biofilm’s thick texture, it hampers your roots from absorbing sufficient oxygen that may result to root rots. In essence, we can say that biofilms and root rots go hand in hand. 

Source/s of Biofilm

Unlike root rots that have more complex causes, biofilm has only one source. It happens when the microscopic lifeforms and pathogens stick to one another and create a colony (biofilm). 

Treating Biofilm : Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide

As mentioned, other types of biofilm are not as visible as the algae one. Hence, you should always schedule a twice a year clean out of your hydroponics systems to remove all those gunk. 

And most importantly, you should keep your grow area always sanitized by using the proper treatment. 

How does Hydroguard treat a biofilm?

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide -3

As mentioned, Hydroguard is not a fungicide or a disinfectant but a root inoculant.

In essence, it cannot get rid of biofilms, but it’s a great preventive measure to keep pathogens from getting into your hydroponics system. Since you are adding beneficial microorganisms, they are the ones that will colonize your water, not the harmful pathogens!

If you regularly use this product, you won’t even have to worry about biofilms like ever! Cool, right?

The only downside, though, is that your water would look gross. You can check out the photo above for reference. But no worries, the dark substances you’re seeing are not biofilm but a mixture of root dirt and algae.

Botanicare HGC704078 Hydroguard Bacillus Root Inoculant, 1-Quart, Natural

How does Hydrogen Peroxide treat a biofilm?

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide - 5

Everyone knows that hydrogen peroxide works as a disinfectant. Hence, it’s promising to check out its effects on biofilms.

As you can see in the photo, there are no signs of biofilm present in the water. But, I have to remind you that I found some algae formation, too. So, that’s something you have to take note of before trying it.

You can say that this result is promising! Similar to bleaching and ethanol solutions in hydroponics systems, hydrogen peroxide is something you can explore to work against biofilm.

HydroProx 35 – Pure 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Which between Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide works better against biofilms?

Hydroguard vs. hydrogen peroxide

I hate to break this to hydrogen peroxide fans, but I think Hydroguard wins this round again. It is not to say that hydrogen peroxide can’t fix biofilms.

It actually can but not as reliable as how Hydroguard does the job. It’s still a disinfectant. I even recommend it when you’re doing a hydroponics system cleanout, which happens twice a year.

With Hydroguard, though, you can use it regularly to ensure that your roots will grow healthy and strong. You can even add a nutrient solution to it to keep your plant roots healthy. Though water can get a little gross with this, you’re sure that it’s not biofilm nor root rot that’s causing that!

Pros and Cons:
Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide

To make things easier for you, I rounded up both my good and bad experiences with these products. So, check them out! 



  • Inexpensive
  • Ideal product in treating and preventing root rot and biofilm
  • Enhances root and plant growth
  • Does not fluctuate pH
  • Can be added to nutrient solutions


  • With Hydroguard, you must keep the water cool. That’s the best environment for the beneficial microorganisms to proliferate! If you want to keep pathogens from coming into your reservoir, make sure that your grow room is cool as well as your water reservoir.

Hydrogen Peroxide


  • Inexpensive
  • Can treat and prevent biofilm during a total cleanout session (approximately twice a year)
  • Adds extra oxygen in the water


  • Too harsh for young plants, especially if given in the wrong concentration
  • Some growers might find that there are stunted root and plant growth
  • Might fluctuate pH

Frequently Asked Questions on
Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide

To ensure our plants grow healthy, we need to take care of the roots! Here are some of the most sought out questions about root health that every grower should consider. 

Q1. Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide on root health? 

I am pretty sure you know by now my answer to this. I find that using Hydroguard works best. These are easy to prepare and to use. You can even add other nutrient solutions to it. It’s proven to treat and prevent root rot and biofilm. As you can see in my photos, it also enhances root and plant growth. You’ll also love that it doesn’t fluctuate the pH of your water. 

As for hydrogen peroxide, it also works in preventing and treating biofilm. I’ve met some growers who find hydrogen peroxide good in treating other plant ailments. It’s inexpensive and widely-available, too! 

Again, it all boils down to your preferences. Some beginning growers might find it icky to add bacteria to their water reservoir. But don’t let that mindset get to you. Adding beneficial bacteria is one of the keys to success in hydroponics. I can attest to that! 

Q2. Can I trim plant roots? 

I recommend trimming the roots only when there’s a sign of root rot. You can try lifting your plant and examine the roots. If you notice brown and mushy spots at the end, then trim those bad boys out. You don’t want them infecting other healthy plant roots, do you? 


We all heard it. Hydroguard and hydrogen peroxide have been considered the best treatments for root-related ailments. But there has always been a debate as to which is better. 

I hope this article has helped you choose between the two. Based on my experience, Hydroguard works better than Hydrogen Peroxide in treating root rot and biofilm. However, hydrogen peroxide also works well to disinfect your hydroponics systems. 

Whichever treatment you use, make sure that the results you are aiming for are your plants growing up healthy and happy. Not to mention, they’d taste yummy, too! That is one of the keys to success in hydroponics gardening! 

And you know what else? Nutrient solutions! Good thing, I have made an ultimate guide to where you can buy the best hydroponic nutrients in the market. 

So, which between Hydroguard vs. Hydrogen Peroxide works better? Mine’s Hydroguard. How about you? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the comments section! 

You can check out other blogs at Rudd’s Home Farming to learn more tips and tricks in hydroponics gardening.